An Invitation to Start Meditation in Keyport at Pearl Yoga & Fitness
Imagine a lake with calm water.
No waves or ripples.
You can see to the bottom.
You can see your reflection.
You can see You.
Things are clear.

In this busy and stressful world, things can often seem muddled. Focusing and balancing can be challenging. When we are living a life that is not settled, we live in fear. This isn’t fear like there is a predator that is going to harm us. It is a chronic fear, constant stress, and it causes all kinds of mental, social, emotional, and physical problems.
Finding a way to quiet our mind helps us see things differently. Instead of trying to control or change what is happening externally, change what is happening internally. When we stop reacting to every external disturbance, we can relax and enjoy life more fully. We can stop focusing on the problem of the day. We can stop living in fear and life is simply better.
Yoga is a way to live the best life possible. Meditation and breathing techniques are two of the eight limbs of yoga. They can help us have the ability to observe and understand our emotional and psychological reactions. Then we can release the control they have on us. We can be free and happy regardless of what happens outside.
I invite you to come learn about the benefits of meditation as well as how to start a meditation practice in a 4 week "Introduction to Meditation Series" starting October 21st at Pearl Yoga & Fitness in Keyport, NJ. Each class will be 45 minutes starting at 7:45pm on Monday evenings.
Modern science is confirming what the ancient practitioners of yoga have known for thousands of years. Maybe you know the benefits, but you are worried that you can’t possibly sit still that long. My Intro to Meditation series is for you, because we will start out with shorter yet powerful techniques and work up to more. Adjustments can be made for every individual.
No yoga experience is necessary for this class. The goal is that the students in this class feel the immediate benefits during the practice and continue to experience those benefits off the mat. To sign-up, visit!
I look forward to meeting you on the mat exactly where you are on your journey!
Come learn how to continue to see that calm lake,
regardless if a little stone is tossed into it,
and little ripples develop,
regardless if a storm comes through,
and waves develop.
About the Author Pattiejean Mcternan
Why does a 55+ mother of four and a teacher for 20+ years decide she has to go to Vermont for her Yoga Teacher Training ON SUMMER VACATION?
Did you ever feel like something (whatever it is) is really pulling at your heart? As adults, we usually just listen to our mind. Our mind might say, “You can’t do that, you have to do this ”, or it might say “You shouldn’t…”, or “You’re too old or too young”, or “You’re not good enough.” Yoga teaches us to quiet the mind through breath, asana, meditation, studying, and so much more.
I hope to inspire others the way my excellent teachers have done so for me. I learned how to push myself while also finding the softness and the pleasure in every practice. It isn’t at all about reaching that perfect pose or what someone else is doing in class. It’s about being open, present, connecting, and learning. You will feel comfortable in class, you will be able to take what you do on the mat with you when you leave, and you will learn and explore.
I have my Bachelor Degree in Psychology, a K-8 Teacher Certification, and a Masters Degree in Education. I've studied with amazing teachers including Chanel Luck, Allison Chamberlain, Purvi Patel, and Julian Yun from Boston. I continue to be inspired by two dedicated talented teachers here in New Jersey, Janet Gallo and April Puciata. I have a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification and Meditation Teacher Certification. I followed my passion and hope to help you open the doors that will bring health, balance, and contentment.
Sometimes it’s okay not to know the reason why you need something; you just need it in your life. I didn’t know why, but I needed Yoga, and I love to share it. I look forward to meeting you on your mat exactly where you are in your journey.